BE Ocularisten en laboratoria rond oogprotheses

Bastin Bieke

In ons labo kan u terecht voor een individuele oogprothese uit kunststof. Wij maken deze volledig zelf, ook de iris wordt manueel geschilderd naar het andere, natuurlijke oog. We streven zo samen met u naar de best mogelijke pasvorm en esthetiek.

Bastin Bieke
Dagobertstraat 14
3000 Leuven
Tel.: (016)23 54 70

Bodson Yves

Carnotstraat 31
2060 Antwerpen
Tel.: (03)232 87 02

Braive Opticiens-BOP scrl

Rue des Guillemins 15
4000 Liège
Tel.: (04)252 88 91
Fax: (04)252 05 08

Centrum voor Cranio-faciale Epithetiek (CCE)

Mechelsesteenweg, 333
B-1933, Sterrebeek
Tel  + 32 (0)2 759 92 17
Website: http://www.

Adressen consultatie:

* Sterrebeek (België)
Mechelsesteenweg, 333
B-1933, Sterrebeek
Tel  + 32 (0)2 759 92 17

* Gent
Maaltebruggestraat 288
9000 Gent
Tel.: (02)759 92 17

* AZ Maastricht (Nederland)
(Afdeling mond-kaakchirurgie)
P. Debyelaan 25
NL-6202 Maastricht
Tel.: (0031)433 87 21 16

De Dageraad bvba

Dageraadplaats 12
2018 Antwerpen
Tel.: (03)235 16 35
Fax: (03)235 17 44

Devilers Opticien

Rue de la Montagne 78
6000 Charleroi
Tel.: (071)31 35 40

Dupont Opticiens sprl

Rue Saint-Gilles 63
4000 Liège
Tel.: (04)223 28 68
Fax: (04)223 28 38

Goes OogCentrum

Dr. Frank Goes  Jr. (°1969) graduated in 1998 after a medical training and specialization in ophthalmology and eye surgery at the universities of Leuven, Ghent and Paris.
After his training, he joined ‘the Goes Eye Centre’, a private practice with a team of 7 ophthalmologists in Antwerp, Belgium, where he became co-responsible for the department of Cataract & Refractive surgery.
In 2011 he became the Medical Director of this team.
The team consists of :
Dr. F. Goes, Jr. : eye surgery, laser surgery, eyelid surgery
Dr. C. Verschueren : medical retina
Dr. A. Hoste : glaucoma
Dr. A. Lefebvre : contact lenses
Dr. N. Mariën : general ophthalmology
Dr. R. Dewitte : anesthesiology
Miss O. Vandaele : orthoptics
Miss K. Teblick and Miss A. Pyck : optometrists
The ambulatory eye center was completely rebuild in 2011, and became a hypermodern extramural eye surgery center with only the highest standards in sterility and hygiene and with a vast national and international clientele.
Dr. Goes is an advisor for many ophthalmological companies, and a frequent speaker at national and international meetings.
He was a member and president of many national societies, and is a member of many international societies, such as ESCRS, ASCRS, ISRS, AAO, and others.
He has a vast experience in cataract and laser surgery, and a special interest in cataract surgery with multifocal implants.
He was the first in the Benelux to use the new ‘Relex Smile’ laser surgery technique by Carl Zeiss, to help people to get rid of their glasses.
In 2013 he was one of the few eye surgeons that participated in the European Study of the new low-add Tecnis multifocal lenses, conducted by AMO.
In 2014 he is happy to be able to participate in the new study of the Symphony lens, a new breakthrough in the world of cataract surgery with multifocal lenses.
He continues and will continue to strive for the best possible results for his patients, using the most modern and state-of-the-art techniques in this rapidly changing but very interesting field of medicine.W. Klooslaan 6

Goes OogCentrum
2050 Antwerpen
Tel.: (03)219 39 25
Fax: (03)219 66 67

Jossa Ocularistes

Rue de la Cathédrale 104
4000 Liège
Tel.: (04)232 27 47

Lesser A. & Assimon J.

Voltairelaan 177
1030 Schaarbeek
Tel.: (02)215 22 78
Fax: (02)245 13 76

Optiek Collette

Koningin Elisabethlaan 76
9000 Gent
Tel.: (09)221 12 21

Optique Jemappes-Ghlin

Place de Ghlin 3
7011 Ghlin (Mons)
Tel.: (0475)67 77 84
Fax: (065)82 38 12
Rue Général Leman 74
7012 Jemappes (Mons)
Tel.: (065)82 38 12

Optique Paulus

Rue de Dampremy 41
6000 Charleroi
Tel.: (071)31 34 75


Deel dit:

  1. Organisaties rond ooggezondheid04-10-2015 05:10:07
  2. BE Optometristen27-05-2014 11:05:14
  3. NL Optometristen24-05-2014 09:05:16
  4. NL Orthoptisten24-05-2014 07:05:03
  5. NL Oogartsen08-03-2014 11:03:46
  6. BE Orthoptisten15-07-2012 12:07:39
  7. BE Oogartsen05-11-2011 05:11:13
  8. NL Genetische raadplegingen voor blinden en slechtzienden04-06-2011 08:06:37
  9. BE Genetische raadplegingen voor blinden en slechtzienden04-06-2011 07:06:08
  10. BE Low-vision-centra en universitaire (oog)ziekenhuizen voor visueel gehandicapten04-06-2011 07:06:51
  11. NL Ocularisten en laboratoria rond oogprotheses04-06-2011 08:06:29
  12. NL Low-vision-centra voor visueel gehandicapten04-06-2011 08:06:22
  13. NL Ooglasercentra04-06-2011 08:06:19
  14. NL Verenigingen rond orthoptie, optologie, optometrie, optiek, oftalmologie …04-06-2011 08:06:05
  15. BE Ocularisten en laboratoria rond oogprotheses04-06-2011 08:06:15
  16. BE Ooglasercentra04-06-2011 08:06:49
  17. BE Verenigingen rond orthoptie, optologie, optometrie, optiek, oftalmologie …04-06-2011 08:06:00

Laatst bijgewerkt op 29 april 2024 – 08:44